dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Forza 7 Review

As expected, this series doesn't make any sense to me now since I'm somehow a pro cyber-racer. Still, it appear to be a good game and some to a lot of people could like it because they play with the lines or even maybe because they know all tracks.

A racing simulation game need a practice session and qualifying session to make sense. Assesto Corsa and Project Cars succeed with this. Forza, need to racing line with the brake indication and the trajectory. Which is not fun to me.

The career was looking interesting despite the lag spike I had. And also, the amount of money given for winning a race, 10k, was a joke in my book. They should give much more money so we can try a lot of this cars.

Finally, the download size of 90gig is just insane. They should learn to use Winrar or something.

vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Endless Space_2 is a good game but

So I tried the demo on Steam and it was worth my time.

It's a similar game to CIV series but in space.

It's a game as good as CIV series. With all the good stuff to make it a good game. And in my book, it's good futurism.

But the problem is, no early war or rush. And no deep tech separation. I mean, it's impossible to attack unless 40 turn have been play, to not say even more. And this is not very funny and competitive. Make me remember CIV5 that was not really good because some things, the city defence, was offering a similar gameplay. Than the technologies: It's impossible to go in a single way: Everybody do quite the same; Not exactly the same but quite. So both of these things would refrain me to play this game.

But I guess that if CIV 5 have been made a similar way to this game it must be because it's good for some people. So go ahead for it. It's on Free-weekend right now.

samedi 11 novembre 2017

WRC 7 is the best rally game

And the 6 is pretty similar.

I've played Dirt Rally and Dirt 4 and finished it and I can say that WRC 7 is for sure a better game. Mainly because of its tracks that contain much more detail.

Also I think that the tracks of WRC are real one. And think make me feel better.

For the rest of the game, or the campaign, WRC 7 is not as complete as Dirt 4 but again just the tracks make it better.

samedi 4 novembre 2017

Note to the 4K pc gamer

It appear that it's not all game that have been made correctly for this resolution. Even if the game got this resolution in the selection options, it does not work well.

For example, in CIV 6, the text need to be bigger otherwise it's too hard to read even with my eagle eyes.

Other games, such as Hard Line don't look very good in 4k.

I guess that with time, and as more pc gamer get 4k monitor, the games developper will make it better for us.

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Project Cars 2 is bs

The problem is: You cannot skip session like in PC1 anymore. You got to play it all. There is a slider for the amount of time but this not as good as PC1.

This said, I won't be playing PC2 for now and stay in PC1. I will finish the career in PC1.

Last thing, I'm for a controller/mouse/keyboard mix so everybody is happy but there is some problem in PC2 and it's unacceptable. And it's unfortunate, somehow, that PC is now a console thing more than a PC thing.

Retards at command

vendredi 7 juillet 2017

dimanche 2 juillet 2017

I'll be back on a secure system (race sim)

If Project Cars is more a sim than the other games such as Grid or Forza, than I'm going in that and I need to be way more careful with the cars.

The problem right now is that I can't tell if they cheated or not. I'm not sure on my last race and this is the reason why I won't bother playing this game for now.

When things will change for me, I'll be back in such game. Racing is a lot of fun and it's a sport. And I want to do my daily sport plus my job.

Keep pushing it hard

lundi 26 juin 2017

Project Cars BS

So I start playing that and God tell me this is more a real simulation. So I say, ok, I need to be way more careful than in Grid Autosport because the car is much more fragile with the brake and can handle high speed turn much less. So I get use with the hatchback that is not so fast and win the first tournament quite easy.

Than come a much faster car that can turn much more. But to me it's impossible nearly to drive this thing. Unless, maybe, I'd drive quite slowly at some part.

So I take the conclusion this game is BS or maybe it's nagged for me. Otherwise, it's insane how much the BOTS are cheating and driving much faster than what is possible in real and if I wanted to play this supposed real simulation, I'd need to drive much less fast than what I was doing in Grid Autosport.

I guess I could find out soon with God what's up with that or find it out someday with real driving.


From God said, I say this is more simulation than Grid Autosport. I say that, yes, I need to drive quite slowly at turn compare to Grid.

So this game is all fine, it's just that cheating is a thing like in all other games.

mardi 20 juin 2017

Dirt 4 Review

The ride have not been perfect, nags, bs and other hacks in mp but I can say this was a nice game to play. I have not finish the whole because of the hack and than because I don't want to do the hard end track on the snow, rain and fog. And also because I did not did the whole career stuff like the old cars that are not perfect(dysfunctional abs) but still a lot of fun.

And I think this game never end until the next one. Thanks to the random track generator that I did not try yet but I'm sure it's working fine.

The graphics was kind of weird at the beginnings compare to the not perfect Dirt Rally graphics but I got use and I can say that the graphics or Dirt 4 are not best but good.

The sound, like always is top notch. And now, as unbelievable as it can be, the soundtrack is real nice with some real cool music.

The career offer a lot of stuff to play with and it make the game so fun to play. The only problems is that I doubt the time of the bots are good. It look like they cheat.

The menu are very well done and work well for the controller. Of course, it could be possible that a game like this made for the mouse would be better.

The tracks are all good but maybe they lack a bit of variety or content.
The cars are all fun to try and drive but I got some nags on  some of them.

This is another very good product on our market. I suggest this game for cyber-racers.

mardi 30 mai 2017

Rime Review

Like the game Brothers: A tale of two sons, make change to violence is a good thing. And it's a beautiful ride with good sound effect but with a sound track that could have been more diversified.

It's a puzzle game with exploration and 3D path finding(new terms to define finding your way in a 3D world). And it does it well. The puzzle were all fun to do.

Than come the climbing/jumping that could look a little like Tomb Raider. And it work very good. The way it's made, it's like you cannot felt and I have climb high things.

The game took me like 6 hours to beat so the price sound fair.

I give this game 9/10

Maybe a good game to make learn a kid how a game work. I doubt a newbie can beat this game though.

mercredi 10 mai 2017

Batman Arkham Knight Review

So it has been hard and long because the game got nagged so many times and I was unable to advance. But I finally beated the Arkham Knight and finished the main story. I still, for the game counter, need to do 50% of the game with side quest to complete it but I can for sure write this late review.

This is to most impressive game technologies I have seen to date. I can't believe how this game is great. It's for sure my greatest game ever and the most surprising of all this it's it is not a shooter.

It start well with some fantastic graphics. As we can see, how good is the Unreal engine when the dev are good. For all the game, the graphics have been plain awesome and I have far from played at max because of those shitty nags and this computer.

Than come the combat that is plain awesome. Not a single bug or problem or dysfunction. And tons of content, move and stuff. For a skilled gamer like me, the combat is so much fun: beating 20 guys at the mean time is so damn great.

Than come the Batmobile part that make the game so interesting for a cyber-racer like me. And again, all work perfect. This part of the game was so fun. And again, a lot of content and stuff for it all through the game. The combat is great and very challenging to the end.

Than come the riddle and puzzle. This game is full of it. And it's all good stuff. Thought all the game, you face puzzle and riddle. All more interesting than the others. And there is some side quest that are just puzzle almost. Brillant stuff.

Than come the stealth aspect of the game. Again like all the rest: it work so well. It has been so much fun to start all these mission with some nice stealth kill.

Than the mini games. The game is full of it. And it's all good. Can't miss that!

And finally the story that make a lot of sense but maybe loose some strength at the very end.

Of course I give this game a 10 on 10. I can't wait to see the next Batman!

Let's finish this by how lame are the hater of this game. They are worst than the moon landing.

dimanche 7 mai 2017

Little Nightmares Review

It took me 4 hours and I don't know what (blame Steam counter) to finish it and it was hard, medium and few part easy.  The story is another thing, that I won't spoil in txt, that we see around.

This game, this platformer, proove me that the 3D platformer are better and funnier than 2D platformer such as Inside. By 3D I mean you can move to that Z axe (Profondeur) and not just X and Y like in Inside.

The graphics are very good in my taste. Different than Inside but as good if not better. But there is some graphics bugs but nothing really bad.

The sound and the music is of course, like in all good games of our network, very good.

The puzzle or the riddle are quite cool and fun to solve. And you need to be skilled to finish this game too. Not just smart.

There is some issue like the checkpoints that are not so good sometimes and other problem such as monster that can grab you through object but overall the game is correct.

So another good product of our network. I give this game a 9 on 10.

lundi 24 avril 2017

LTTP: Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons Review

Little game at 15$ on Steam released in 2013. Little because it took me like 3 hours to beat it.

I can say that this product almost amazed by its quality. The graphics are great. Again, Unreal Engine succeed totally. Of course, like in all games almost, the sound is very good too. And the special gameplay that give a stick to each brother work almost perfect. And the story is pretty cool too; it's a nice little fantasy world.

Now for the puzzle and the riddle they are most of the time easy but some, I think, can be say hard. I guess this game is for everybody but I'm not sure. The puzzle and the riddle have been worth my time, good stuff.

I give this great game a 9 on 10. The reason why I remove a point is because of what the brothers do at some point; I could be mistaken on that.

Another great product on my network!

vendredi 31 mars 2017

Conan Exiles Guide

I want to start this by saying that imo the game is not worth playing. Because of the poor performance and so the graphics that need to be turn to low. This mean, the adventure goes in a bad quality graphics world and this is not worth it. Other than that, it's a good game but of course it could have been a lot better.


Note that this is fast guide from like 2 hours of playing the game. I'm sure you can understand that I did not try everything yet. But this should work.


This guide will make you build a house with a one spawn primitive bed and some other stuff like a primitive sword and of course will raise your level to like 5 or so.

After escaping the cross, you need to find water. That's the first thing you need to do. To do that, you need to follow the road or the path and than go in the direction of the mountain. The water spot should be just after the mountain. Note that if you respawn because you died, you could spawn near the water spot.

While doing that, I strongly suggest to take all branch and some stone on the ground. It will be useful late to build a pickaxe. You can also take some plants, it will also be useful to make some tools.

So when you reach the water spot, you just need to enter a little in the water and push e to drink.

Second thing you need to do, find food. To do so, you need to stay near the jungle and not go in the desert and search for worms on the ground or egg in the nest of the turtle. The turtle are easy to kill with a sword and I guess also with a pickaxe(I did not try, just though about it). But if you take meat out of animals with a tool like a pickaxe, you need to cook it to eat it. And I think you need to raise the level to do a fire to cook. So I think the best thing to do is to just take the eggs and the worms on the ground. That's good food to eat in this game. To find the egg, just walk around and try to follow the water or the beach. BE CAREFUL to not get near any other animals than the turtle or they will hunt you down. The reason YOU SHOULD NOT RUN ALL THE TIME is to preserve the running when hunt by dangerous animals.

When you have found like 3 nest of turtle. You can build your house. When your hungry, just go to the 3 nest and re-take the eggs. The eggs are respanwing each 5 minutes or so. When you reach one quarter of food or water, it's time to go search for it. You die quick if you don't have water or food.

You need to level up to build the house. Just harvest stone around and some woods. Than make 2x2 foundation and than build the wall with a special wall for the door. Than build the door. You will need a pickaxe to harverst stone and a hache for wood.

After that you can build a primitive bed. And get a primitive weapon. It appear that killing animals give more XP than harvesting.

When you can kill animals and when you have search for firecamp(petit feu de cuisson), you can start to feed with animals. That more efficient than egg.

Good luck!

mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Sorry again: The R7 puzzle is good

Sorry again, I'm not sure what happened the puzzle I was talking about it good and work.

mardi 24 janvier 2017

Resident Evil 7 First Impression

We for sure got a very good or a great product here. I doubt the game won't stay at the same quality as I advance through it.

I'm talking about a good FPS that can be call a survival game with good graphics, good sound, and very good stuff such as own death animation. The riddle or puzzle are cool and fun to solve and the gunning aspect of the game so far make a lot of sense. All this with a pretty cool story that start with a very nice demo to prove this game is solid. And of course, a solid background with the series history.

The only problem for me and so maybe the pro or the elite: The slow running speed.

So if you got strong nerve and search for a good game this time of the year and interested after the demo, jump on it. Can't miss that.